

Your Handwriting is a reflection of your Personality. It means that the way you write / graph your alphabets, your ' A',' B', right up to ' Z ', that is the curved, lines dots, slants, pressure in writing etc reflect the kind of person you are. Your financial status, confidence level, nature etc. There is a simple principle behind this and that is ' Whatever you write in running Handwriting is a reflection of your Subconscious Mind'. At OORJA POINT, Dr Tushar Hande carefully examines the sample Handwriting written by his clients following a set of rules. Checks on the curves, lines, etc and then prepares a detailed report. After discussing the report with his client, he recommends certain changes in the Handwriting Graphs. Once the client adapts to these changes, the client can notice substantial changes in his/ her personality. As Dr. Tushar rightly quotes, ' Change Your Writing, Change Your Life'.

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